Water Plant for Vellalacheruvu Village
Vellalacheruvu is a village in Santhamaguluru Mandal in Prakasam District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It is located 84 KM towards North from District head quarters Ongole, 9 KM from Santhamaguluru. Vellalacheruvu has a population of 5356, out of which Males are 2727 and Females are 2,629 living in 1288 Houses. Total area of Vellalacheruvu is 1902 hectares.
Over a period of time, village has been expanded beyond the railway track next to the village, around 700 people are living in that part. All these are economically backward families, they built their homes on partially government land and partially donated private land donated by villagers. Even though village has an existing water plant which supplies water to most of the village, panchayat was not able to extend the beyond the railway track due to restrictions from railway department. Currently these people have been crossing the railway track and getting the water from existing water plant. The railway department is in the plan of extending the track to double-line.
This Project is aimed to dig a new bore well for these families and build a water purifying plant. Panchayat will take care of the new bore well and ongoing maintenance once the plant is established.
Project Documentation :
- Project Request form.
- Project Charter ( In Progress).