Water Plant Project Kongapadu
Kongapadu village is located in Addanki Mandal, Prakasam district. In a total there are approximately 700 people living in the village. Though village has an existing water supply sourced from a well digged in Gundlakamma River. The River is about a Kilometer distance from the village. Supply of water is not consistent due to lack of rain, repairs to long pipeline which carries water from river to village. Since the water is from the well which is in the region of high fluoride content in the ground water, the untreated water is causing lot of health issues to the villagers. The Village panchayat was not able to install water purifying plant due to lack of funds. The proposal is to dig a new bore well and build a water plant that continuously feed purified drinking water to the plant. Panchayat is committed to take care of the new bore well and ongoing maintenance once the plant once it is established.
Project Documentation :